General Information
Control is a set of mechanisms that control data rate allocation, delay
variability, timely delivery, and delivery reliability. The MikroTik RouterOS
supports the following queuing disciplines:
- PFIFO - Packets First-In First-Out
- BFIFO - Bytes First-In First-Out
- SFQ - Stochastic Fairness Queuing
- RED - Random Early Detect
- PCQ - Per Connection Queue
- HTB - Hierarchical Token Bucket
required: system
License required: Level1 (limited to 1 queue) , Level3
Submenu level: /queue
Standards and Technologies: None
Hardware usage: significant
Quality of
Service (QoS) means that the router should prioritize and shape network
traffic. QoS is not so much about limiting, it is more about providing quality
service to the network users. Some features of MikroTik RouterOS traffic
control mechanism are listed below:
- limit data rate for certain IP
adresses, subnets, protocols, ports, and other parameters
- limit peer-to-peer traffic
- prioritize some packet flows
over others
- use queue bursts for faster web
- apply queues on fixed time
- share available traffic among
users equally, or depending on the load of the channel
The queuing
is applied on packets leaving the router through a real interface (i.e., the
queues are applied on the outgoing interface, regarding the traffic flow), or
any of the 3 additional virtual interfaces (global-in, global-out,
The QoS is
performed by means of dropping packets. In case of TCP protocol, the dropped
packets will be resent on a slower rate, so there is no need to worry that with
shaping we lose some TCP information.
The main
terms used to describe the level of QoS for network applications, are:
- queuing discipline (qdisc) - an algorithm that holds and
maintains a queue of packets. It accumulates the packets and decides the
order of the outgoing packets (it means that queuing discipline can
reorder packets). Qdisc also decides which packets to drop if there is no
space for them.
- CIR (Committed Information
Rate) - the
guaranteed data rate. It means that traffic rate, not exceeding this value
should always be delivered
- MIR (Maximal Information Rate) - the maximal data rate router
will provide
- Priority - the order of importance in
what traffic will be processed. You can give priority to some traffic in
order it to be handeled before some other traffic
- Contention Ratio - the ratio to which the
defined data rate is shared among users (when a certain data rate is
allocated to a number of subscribers). It is the number of subscribers
that have a single speed limitation, applied to all of them together. For
example, the contention ratio of 1:4 means that the allocated data rate
may be shared between no more than 4 users
sending data over an interface, it is processed with a queuing discipline.
There can be only one queueing discipline per interface, which, by default, is
set under /queue interface for each physical interface (there is no
default queuing discipline for virtual interfaces). Once we add a first queue
(in /queue tree or /queue simple) to a physical interface, the
interface default queue is replaced by HTB hierarchy with that queue, but the
one defined in /queue interface for that particular interface, is no
more active.
Scheduler and Shaper qdiscs
We can
classify queuing disciplines by their influence to packet flow:
- schedulers - queuing disciplines only
reschedule packets regarding their algorithm and drop packets which 'do
not fit in the queue'. Scheduler queuing disciplines are: PFIFO, BFIFO,
SFQ, PCQ (both scheduler and shaper), RED
- shapers - queuing disciplines that
also perform the limitation. Shapers are PCQ (both scheduler and shaper)
and HTB
There are 3
virtual interfaces in RouterOS, in addition to real interfaces:
- global-in - represents all the input
interfaces in general (INGRESS queue). Please note that queues
attached to global-in apply to traffic that is received by the
router, before the packet filtering. global-in queueing is executed
just after mangle and dst-nat
- global-out - represents all the output
interfaces in general (EGRESS queue). Queues attached to it apply before
the ones attached to a specific interface
- global-total - represents a virtual
interface through which all the data, going through the router, is
passing. When attaching a qdisc to global-total, the limitation is done in
both directions. For example, if we set a total-max-limit to
256000, we will get upload+download=256kbps (maximum)
(Hierarchical Token Bucket) is a classful queuing discipline that is useful for
applying different handling for different kinds of traffic. The queues you add
in /queue simple and /queue tree are attached to the main
Hierarchical Token Bucket (HTB). For example, you can set a maximum data rate
for a workgroup and then distribute that amount of traffic between the members
of that workgroup.
HTB qdisc in
HTB terms:
- filter - a procedure that classifies
packets. The filters are responsible for classifying packets so that they
are put in the corresponding qdiscs. All filters are applied at the HTB
root and classify packets directly into the qdiscs, without traversing the
HTB tree. If a packet is not classified into any of the qdiscs, it is sent
out to the interface directly, traversing the HTB, so no HTB rules are
applied to those packets (it would mean effective higher priority than of
any packet flow managed by HTB).
- level - position of a class in the
- class - algorithm for limiting
traffic flow to a certain rate. It does not store any packets (this
function can only be performed by a queue). A class may contain either one
or more subclasses (inner class), or one and only one qdisc (leaf class).
- inner class - a class that has one or more
child class attached to it. As inner classes do not store any packets,
qdiscs can not be attached to them (so their qdisc and filter settings are
ignored, although may be still shown in RouterOS configuration), so they
only do traffic shaping. Priority setting is ignored as well.
- leaf class - a class that has a parent
but does not have any child classes. Leaf classes are always located at
level 0 of the hierarchy. Each leaf class has one and only one qdisc
attached to it, with a certain priority.
- self feed - an exit (out of the HTB
tree, to the interface) for the packets from all the classes active on its
level of the hierarchy. There is one self feed per level, each consisting
of 8 self slots that represent priorities.
- self slot - an element of a self feed
that corresponds to each particular priority. There is one self slot per
priority per level. All classes, active at the same level, having the same
priority are attached to one self slot that they are using to send packets
out through.
- active class (at a particular
level) - a
class that is attached to a self slot at the given level.
- inner feed - similar to a self feed
object, which consists of inner self slots, present on each inner class.
There is one inner feed per inner class.
- inner feed slot - similar to self slot. Each
inner feed consists of inner slots which represent a priority.
Each class
has a parent and may have one or more children. Classes that do not have
children, are put at level 0, where queues are maintained, and are called 'leaf
Each class
in the hierarchy can prioritize and shape traffic. There are two main
parameters, which refer to shaping and one - to prioritizing:
- limit-at - normal data rate that is
guaranteed to a class (CIR)
- max-limit - maximal data rate that is
allowed for a class to reach (MIR)
- priority - order in which classes are
served at the same level (8 is the lowest priority, 1 is the highest)
Each HTB
class can be in one of 3 states, depending on data rate that it consumes:
- green - a class the actual rate of
which is equal or less than limit-at. At this state, the class is
attached to self slot at the corresponding priority at its level, and is
allowed to satisfy its CIR limitation regardless of what limitations its
parents have. For example, if we have a leaf class with limit-at=512000
and its parent has max-limit=limit-at=128000, the class will still
get its 512kbps! All CIRs of a particular level are satisfied before all
MIRs of the same level and any limitations of higher levels.
- yellow - a class the actual rate of
which is greater than limit-at and equal or less than max-limit
(or burst-limit if burst is active). At this state, the class is
attached to the inner slot of the corresponding priority of its parent's
inner feed, which, in turn, may be attached to either its parent's inner
slot of the same priority (in case the parent is also yellow), or to its
own level self slot of the same priority (in case the parent is green).
Upon the transition to this state, the class 'disconnects' from self feed
of its level, and 'connects' to its parent's inner feed.
- red - a class the actual rate of
which exceeds max-limit (or burst-limit if burst is active).
This class cannot borrow rate from its parent class.
Note: as
CIRs are always satisfied before MIRs or other limitations of higher levels are
consulted, you should always ensure that the limit-at property of any
inner class is equal or greater than the sum of all limit-at parameter
of the children of that inner class.
When there
is a possibility to send out a packet, HTB queries all its self slots in order
of priority, starting with highest priority on the lowest level, till lowest
priority on highest level. Each leaf class (packets are stored and enqueued
only within qdiscs attached to each leaf class) is ultimately connected to a
certain self slot, either directly or through a chain of parent classes:
As you can
see from the picture, leaf-classes that are in the green state will always have
a higher effective priority than those that are yellow (and, thus, borrowing
their rate from parent classes), because their priority is at a lower level
(level 0). In this picture, Leaf1 will be served only after Leaf2,
although it has a higher priority (priority 7) than Leaf1 (priority 8).
In case of
equal priorities and equal states, HTB serves these classes, using round robin
Here are
some examples on how the HTB works.
Imagine the
following scenario - we have 3 different kinds of traffic, marked in /ip
firewall mangle (packet_mark1, packet_mark2 and packet_mark3), and now have
bulit a HTB hierarchy:
[admin@MikroTik] queue tree> add name=ClassA
parent=Local max-limit=2048000
[admin@MikroTik] queue tree> add name=ClassB
parent=ClassA max-limit=1024000
[admin@MikroTik] queue tree> add name=Leaf1
parent=ClassA max-limit=2048000 \
\... limit-at=1024000 packet-mark=packet_mark1 priority=8
[admin@MikroTik] queue tree> add name=Leaf2
parent=ClassB max-limit=1024000 \
\... limit-at=256000 packet-mark=packet_mark2
[admin@MikroTik] queue tree> add name=Leaf3
parent=ClassB max-limit=1024000 \
\... limit-at=768000 packet-mark=packet_mark3
[admin@MikroTik] queue tree> print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid
0 name="ClassA" parent=Local
packet-mark="" limit-at=0 queue=default
max-limit=2048000 burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0
1 name="ClassB" parent=ClassA
packet-mark="" limit-at=0 queue=default
max-limit=1024000 burst-limit=0 burst-threshold=0
2 name="Leaf1" parent=ClassA
packet-mark=packet_mark1 limit-at=1024000
queue=default priority=8 max-limit=2048000 burst-limit=0
burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s
3 name="Leaf2" parent=ClassB
packet-mark=packet_mark2 limit-at=256000
queue=default priority=7 max-limit=1024000 burst-limit=0
burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s
4 name="Leaf3" parent=ClassB
packet-mark=packet_mark3 limit-at=768000
queue=default priority=8 max-limit=1024000 burst-limit=0
burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s
[admin@MikroTik] queue tree>
Now let us
describe some scenarios, using this HTB hierarchy.
- Imagine a situation when
packets have arrived at Leaf1 and Leaf2. Because of this, Leaf1 attaches
itself to this level's (Level 0) self slot with priority=8 and Leaf2
attaches to self slot with priority=7. Leaf3 has nothing to send, so it
does nothing.
This is a simple situation: there are two active
classes (Leaf1 and Leaf2) at Level 0, and as they both are in green state, they
are processed in order of their priorities - at first, we serve Leaf2, then
- Now assume that Leaf2 has to
send more than 256kbps, so it needs to go over it's green limit. With the
state change, it attaches itself to its parent's (ClassB) inner feed,
which recursively attaches itself to Level1 self slot at priority 7. Leaf1
remains in green state - it has packets to send, but their rate is lower
than 1Mbps. Leaf3 still has nothing to send.
It is very important to understand that Leaf1 now has
higher effective priority than Leaf2 (when it is in green state), although we
have configured it for a lower priority (8) than Leaf2. It is because Leaf2 has
disconnected itself from self feed at Level 0 and is now borrowing rate from
its parent (ClassB), which, in turn, has attached to a self feed at Level 1.
Thus, the priority of Leaf2 has jumped to Level1. Remember that lowest level is
served first, than the next level, and so on, satisfying the attached classes
in order of their priority.
- Consider that Leaf1 has reached
its max-limit and changed its state to red, and Leaf2 now uses more than
1Mbps (and less than 2Mbps), so its parent ClassB has to borrow from
ClassA and becomes yellow. Leaf3 still has no packets to send.
This scenario shows that Leaf1 has reached its
max-limit and cannot even borrow from its parent (ClassA), so it is detached
from all self slots and inner slots. Leaf2 has recursively reached Level 2, as
it borrows from ClassB which, in turn, borrows from ClassA, as it does not have
enough rate available. As Leaf3 has no packets to send, the only class that
sends is Leaf2.
- Assume that ClassA reaches its
max-limit (2Mbps), so neither ClassB, nor Leaf2 can send as they only rely
on borrowing rate, which is impossible as ClassA cannot send. But now,
Leaf3 has some packets to send:
In this situation Leaf2 is in yellow state, but it
cannot borrow (as Class B cannot borrow from Class A) and Leaf3 is the only
class that can send. Note that even though no other calsses, including its
parents is able to send, Leaf3 can send perfectly well while is is attached to
the Level 0 self feed.
- Finally, let's see what
happens, if Leaf1, Leaf2, Leaf3 and ClassB are in the yellow state, and
ClassA is green.
Leaf1 borrows from ClassA, Leaf2 and Leaf3 - from
ClassB, and ClassB, in turn, borrows from ClassA. Now all the priorities have
'moved' to Level 2. So Leaf2 is on the highest priority and is served first. As
Leaf1 and Leaf3 are of the same priority (8) on the same level (2), they are
served using round robin algorithm.
Bursts are
used to allow higher data rates for a short period of time. Every 1/16 part of
the burst-time, the router calculates the average data rate of each
class over the last burst-time seconds. If this average data rate is
less than burst-threshold, burst is enabled and the effective rate limit
(transition to the red state) is set to burst-limit bps, otherwise the
effective maximal limit falls to max-limit.
Let us
consider the following setup: max-limit=256000, burst-time=8, burst-threshold=192000
and burst-limit=512000. When a user is starting to download a file via
HTTP, we can observe such situation:
At the
beginning the average data rate over the past 8 seconds is 0bps because no
traffic has passed through this ruke before it has been created. Since this
average data rate is less than burst-threshold (192kbps), burst is
allowed. After the first second, the average data rate is
(0+0+0+0+0+0+0+512)/8=64kbps, which is less than burst-threshold. After
the second second, average data rate is (0+0+0+0+0+0+512+512)/8=128kbps. After
the third second comes the breakpoint when the average data rate becomes larger
than burst-threshold. At this moment burst is disabled and the effective
data rate limitation falls down to max-limit (256kbps).
Note how the
burst-time was used. The actual duration of burst does not depend of burst-time
alone! It also depends on the burst-threshold/burst-limit ratio
and the actual data rate passing through the bursty class. In this example the
burst ratio was 192000/512000=3/8, the time was 8, and the queue has been
trying to utilize all available rate the class was providing, so the burst was
3 seconds long.
Now you can
easily see why the burst-threshold should be between limit-at and
max-limit for normal operation. If you specify burst-threshold
higher than max-limit, then the average rate will tend to burst-threshold,
but the effective maximal limit will jump between max-limit and burst-limit
constantly (depending on the actual traffic rate, it may happen even on each
evaluation point (1/16th of burst-time)).
In addition
to interface queues (one queue or HTB tree per interface), 3 virtual 4 HTB
trees maintained by RouterOS:
- global-in
- global-total
- global-out
When adding
a simple queue, it creates 3 HTB classes (in global-in, global-total and
global-out), but it does not add any classes in interface queue. Queue tree is
more flexible - you can add it to any of these HTB's.
When packet
travels through the router, it passes 4 HTB trees - global-in, global-total,
global-out and output interface queue. If it is directed to the router, it
passes global-in and global-total HTB queues. If packets are sent from the
router, they go through global-total, global-out and output interface queues
Submenu level: /queue type
You can
create your custom queue types in this submenu. Afterwards, you will be able to
use them in /queue tree, /queue simple or /queue interface.
Note that these queueing disciplines can not limit data rate at all (except for
PCQ) - they only reorganize (schedule) packets and drop excess ones (if the
queue is getting too long and the managing class can not send the packets
quickly enough), so you won't find any rate limitation parameters here (except
for PCQ) - only storage limits. Note also that the scheduling is only taking
place when the packets are being enqueued in the qdisc, and this only happens
when the packets are coming in at the rate faster than the managing class can
provide (so this is only a buffer). There are 5 kinds of qdiscs that can be
used for storing packets:
queuing disciplines are based on the FIFO algorithm (First-In First-Out). The
difference between PFIFO and BFIFO is that one is measured in packets and the
other one in bytes. There is only one parameter called pfifo-limit (or bfifo-limit
in case of BFIFO) which defines how much data a FIFO queue can hold. Every packet
that cannot be enqueued (if the queue is full), is dropped. Large queue sizes
can increase latency, but utilize channel better.
queuing disciplines if you have a noncongested link.
Fairness Queuing (SFQ) equalizes traffic flows (TCP sessions or UDP streams)
when the link is completely full.
The fairness
of SFQ is ensured by hashing and round-robin algorithms. Hashing algorithm
divides the session traffic over a limited number of subqueues. A traffic flow
may be uniquely identified by a tuple (src-address, dst-address, src-port and
dst-port), so these parameters are used by SFQ hashing algorithm to classify
packets into subqueues.
The whole
SFQ queue can contain 128 packets and there are 1024 subqueues available for
these packets. Each packet stored in a FIFO-like 128 packet buffer, belongs to
a certain subqueue, determined by the hash function (a simple function of the
tuple values with 10-bit output is used, hence the amount of subqueues is
1024). Stochastic nature of the queueing discipline is observed in that packets
from an unpredictable number of flows may actually be classified in the same
subqueue. After sfq-perturb seconds the hashing algorithm changes and
divides the session traffic to other subqueues, so that no separate data flows
will be associated with the same subqueue for a long time. The round-robin
algorithm dequeues pcq-allot bytes from each subqueue in a turn.
Use SFQ for
congested links to ensure that connections do not starve. SFQ is especially
benefitial on wireless links.
To solve
some SFQ imperfectness, Per Connection Queuing (PCQ) was created. It is the
only classless queuing type in RouterOS that can do rate limitation. It is an
improved version of SFQ without its stohastic nature. PCQ also creates
subqueues, based on the pcq-classifier parameter. Each subqueue has a
data rate limit of pcq-rate and size of pcq-limit packets. The
total size of a PCQ queue cannot be greater than pcq-total-limit
following example demonstrates the usage of PCQ with packets, classified by
their source address.
If you
classify the packets by src-address then all packets with different
source IP addresses will be grouped into different subqueues. Now you can do
the limitation or equalization for each subqueue with the pcq-rate
parameter. Perhaps, the most significant part is to decide to which interface
should we attach this queue. If we will attach it to the Local interface, all
traffic from the Public interface will be grouped by src-address (probably it's
not what we want), but if we attach it to the Public interface, all traffic
from our clients will be grouped by src-address - so we can easily limit or
equalize upload for clients. Same can be done for downloads, but in that case dst-address
classifier will be used, and PCQ put on the locan interface.
To equalize
rate among subqueues, classified by the pcq-classifier, set the pcq-rate
to 0! PCQ can be used to dynamically equalize or shape traffic for
multiple users, using little administration. In fact, PCQ always equalizes the
subqueues, so the pcq-rate is just a cap for equalization - a subqueue
may get smaller rate, but will never get higher rate.
Random Early
Detection (also known as Random Early Drop, as this is how it actually works)
is a queuing mechanism which tries to avoid network congestion by controlling
the average queue size. When the average queue size reaches red-min-threshold,
RED starts to drop packets randomly with linearly increasing probability as the
average queue size grows up until the average queue size reaches the red-max-threshold.
The effective queue size at any moment could be higher than the red-max-threshold
as the probability does not grow very fast, so it is possible to specify a hard
limit for the queue size. When the average queue size reaches red-max-threshold
or becomes larger, all further packats are dropped until the average queue size
does not drop below this valus (at which point probalistic calculations will be
activated again).
The average
queue size avg is (1-W)*avg+W*q, where
- q - current queue length
- W - queue weight defined as burst+1-min=(1-(1-W)^burst)/W.
Note that log(W) value ir rounded to integer (so W can be 1,
0.1, 0.01, etc.). It is determined experimantally that in many generic
cases, W is near to min/10*burst
The pb
probability value is increasing linearly from 0% to 2% as the average queue
size grows from red-min-threshold to red-max-threshold: pb=0.02*(avg-min)/(max-min).
The packet
dropping probability pb is increasing with pb and with enqueued
packet count since the last packet was dropped: pa=pb/(1-count*pb).
It is
defined experimentally that a good red-burst value is (min+2*max)/3.
And a good red-max-threshold is twice red-min-threshold.
Note that in
the formulas above, min means red-min-threshold, max means
red-max-threshold and burst means red-burst.
Used on
congested links with high data rates, as it is fast and TCP-friendly.
bfifo-limit (integer; default: 15000)
- maximum number of bytes that the BFIFO queue can holdkind (bfifo | pcq
| pfifo | red | sfq) - which queuing discipline to use
bfifo - Bytes First-In, First-Out
pcq - Per Connection Queue
pfifo - Packets First-In, First-Out
red - Random Early Detection
sfq - Stohastic Fairness Queuing
name (name) - reference name of
the queue typepcq-classifier (dst-address | dst-port | src-address |
src-port; default: "") - list classifiers for grouping packets
into PCQ subqueues. Several classifiers can be used at once, e.g.,
src-address,src-port will group all packets with different source address and
source-ports into separate subqueuespcq-limit (integer; default: 50)
- number of packets that a single PCQ sub-queue can holdpcq-rate (integer;
default: 0) - maximal data rate allowed for each PCQ sub-queue. This is
a rate cap, as the subqueues will be equalized anyway
0 - no limitation set (only equalize
rates between subqueues)
pcq-total-limit (integer; default: 2000)
- number of packets that the whole PCQ queue can holdpfifo-limit (integer)
- maximum number of packets that the PFIFO queue can holdred-avg-packet
(integer; default: 1000) - average packet size, used for tuning
average queue recalculation timered-burst (integer) - a measure
of how fast the average queue size will be influenced by the real queue size,
given in bytes. Larger values will smooth the changes, so longer bursts will be
allowedred-limit (integer) - hard limit on queue size in bytes. If
the real queue size (not average) exceeds this value then all further packets
will be discarded until the queue size drops below. This should be higher than red-max-threshold+red-burstred-max-threshold
(integer) - upper limit for average queue size, in bytes. When the size
reaches this value, all further packets shall be droppedred-min-threshold
(integer) - lower limit for average queue size, in bytes. When the size
reaches this value, RED starts to drop packets randomly with a calculated
probabilitysfq-allot (integer; default: 1514) - amount of
bytes that a subqueue is allowed to send before the next subqueue gets a turn
(amount of bytes which can be sent from a subqueue in a single round-robin
turn), should be at least 1514 for links with 1500 byte MTUsfq-perturb
(integer; default: 5) - how often to shake (perturb) SFQ's
hashing algorithm, in seconds
Interface Default Queues
Submenu level: /queue interface
In order to
send packets over an interface, they have to be enqueued in a queue even if you
do not want to limit traffic at all. Here you can specify the queue type which
will be used for transmitting data.
Note that
once you configure tree queues for a listed interface, the interface default
queue is no longer active for that particular interface, so you need to make
sure all packets that goes out through this interface are filtered into some
qdiscs inside the HTB tree. Otherwise the packets that are not filtered, are
sent out directly (at effective higher priority than any of the packets in the
HTB tree), and unbuffered, which ultimately lead to suboptimal performance.
interface (read-only: name) - name of
the interfacequeue (name; default: default) - queue type
which will be used for the interface
Set the wireless
interface to use wireless-default queue:
[admin@MikroTik] queue interface> set 0
[admin@MikroTik] queue interface> print
0 wlan1 wireless-default
[admin@MikroTik] queue interface>
simpliest way to limit data rate for specific IP addresses and/or subnets, is
to use simple queues.
You can also
use simple queues to build advanced QoS applications. They have useful
integrated features:
- Peer-to-peer traffic queuing
- Applying queue rules on chosen
time intervals
- Priorities
- Using multiple packet marks
from /ip firewall mangle
- Shaping of bidirectional
traffic (one limit for the total of upload + download)
burst-limit (integer/integer) -
maximum data rate which can be reached while the burst is active, in form of
in/out (target upload/download)burst-threshold (integer/integer)
- average data rate limit, until which the burst is allowed. If the average
data rate over the last burst-time seconds is less than burst-threshold,
the actual data rate may reach burst-limit. Otherwise the hard limit is
reset to max-limit. Set in form of in/out (target upload/download)burst-time
(integer/integer) - period of time, in seconds, over which the
average data rate is calculated, in form of in/out (target upload/download)direction
(none both upload download) - traffic flow directions from the targets' point
of view, affected by this queue
none - the queue is effectively inactive
both - the queue limits both target upload and target download
upload - the queue limits only target upload, leaving the download rates
download - the queue limits only target download, leaving the upload
rates unlimited
dst-address (IP address/netmask)
- destination address to matchdst-netmask (netmask) - netmask for
dst-address interface (text) - interface, this queue
applies to (i.e., the interface the target is connected to)limit-at (integer/integer)
- CIR, in form of in/out (target upload/download)max-limit (integer/integer)
- MIR (in case burst is not active), in form of in/out (target upload/download)name
(text) - descriptive name of the queuep2p (all-p2p | bit-torrent
| blubster | direct-connect | edonkey | fasttrack | gnutella | soulseek |
winmx) - which type of P2P traffic to match
all-p2p - match all P2P traffic
packet-marks (multiple choice: name;
default: "") - list of packet marks (set by /ip firewall
mangle) to match. Multiple packet marks are separated by commas
(",")parent (name) - name of the parent queue in the
hierarchy. Can only be another simple queuepriority (integer:
1..8) - priority of the queue. 1 is the highest, 8 - the lowestqueue (name/name;
default: default/default) - name of the queue from /queue type,
in form of in/outtarget-addresses (multiple choice: IP address/netmask)
- limitation target IP addresses (source addresses). Multiple addresses are
separated by commastime (time-time,sat | fri | thu | wed |
tue | mon | sun{+}; default: "") - limit queue effect to a
specified time periodtotal-burst-limit (integer) - burst limit
for global-total (cumulative rate, upload + download) queuetotal-burst-threshold
(integer) - burst threshold for global-total (cumulative rate,
upload + download) queuetotal-burst-time (time) - burst time for global-total
queuetotal-limit-at (integer) - limit-at for global-total
(cumulative rate, upload + download) queuetotal-max-limit (integer)
- max-limit for global-total (cumulative rate, upload + download) queuetotal-queue
(name) - queuing discipline to use for global-total queue
Queue Trees
Submenu level: /queue tree
The queue
trees should be used when you want to use sophisticated data rate allocation
based on protocols, ports, groups of IP addresses, etc. At first you have to
mark packet flows with a mark under /ip firewall mangle and then use
this mark as an identifier for packet flows in queue trees.
burst-limit (integer) - maximum data
rate which can be reached while the burst is activeburst-threshold (integer)
- average data rate limit, until which the burst is allowed. If the average
data rate over the last burst-time seconds is less than burst-threshold,
the actual data rate may reach burst-limit. Otherwise the hard limit is
reset to max-limitburst-time (time) - period of time, in seconds,
over which the average data rate is calculatedlimit-at (integer)
- CIRmax-limit (integer) - MIR (in case burst is not active)name
(text) - descriptive name for the queuepacket-mark (text)
- packet flow mark (set by /ip firewall mangle) to match. This creates a
filter that puts the packets with the given mark into this queueparent (text)
- name of the parent queue. The top-level parents are the available interfaces
(actually, main HTB). Lower level parents can be other tree queuespriority
(integer: 1..8) - priority of the queue. 1 is the highest, 8 - the
lowestqueue (text) - name of the queue type. Types are defined
under /queue type
Application Examples
Example of emulating a
128Kibps/64Kibps Line
Assume, we
want to emulate a 128Kibps download and 64Kibps upload line, connecting IP
network The network is served through the Local
interface of customer's router. The basic network setup is in the following
To solve
this situation, we will use simple queues.
IP addresses
on MikroTik router:
[admin@MikroTik] ip address> print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
0 Local
1 Public
[admin@MikroTik] ip address>
And routes:
[admin@MikroTik] ip route> print
Flags: X - disabled, A - active, D - dynamic,
C - connect, S - static, r - rip, b - bgp, o - ospf, m
- mme,
B - blackhole, U - unreachable, P - prohibit
0 A S r 1
1 ADC 0 Public
2 ADC 0 Local
[admin@MikroTik] ip route>
Add a simple
queue rule, which will limit the download traffic to 128Kib/s and upload to
64Kib/s for clients on the network, served by the
interface Local:
[admin@MikroTik] queue simple> add name=Limit-Local
interface=Local \
\... target-address=
[admin@MikroTik] queue simple> print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
0 name="Limit-Local"
target-addresses= dst-address=
interface=Local parent=none priority=8 queue=default/default
limit-at=0/0 max-limit=65536/131072 total-queue=default
[admin@MikroTik] queue simple>
The max-limit
parameter cuts down the maximum available bandwidth. From the clients' point of
view, the value 65536/131072 means that they will get maximum of
131072bps for download and 65536bps for upload. The target-addresses
parameter defines the target network (or networks, separated by a comma) to
which the queue rule will be applied.
Now see the
traffic load:
[admin@MikroTik] interface> monitor-traffic Local
received-packets-per-second: 7
received-bits-per-second: 68kbps
sent-packets-per-second: 13
sent-bits-per-second: 135kbps
[admin@MikroTik] interface>
you want to exclude the server from being limited, if so, add a queue for it
without any limitation (max-limit=0/0 which means no limitation) and
move it to the beginning of the list:
[admin@MikroTik] queue simple> add name=Server
target-addresses= \
\... interface=Local
[admin@MikroTik] queue simple> print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
0 name="Limit-Local"
target-addresses= dst-address=
interface=Local parent=none priority=8 queue=default/default
limit-at=0/0 max-limit=65536/131072 total-queue=default
1 name="Server"
target-addresses= dst-address=
interface=Local parent=none priority=8 queue=default/default
limit-at=0/0 max-limit=0/0 total-queue=default
[admin@MikroTik] queue simple> mo 1 0
[admin@MikroTik] queue simple> print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
0 name="Server"
target-addresses= dst-address=
interface=Local parent=none priority=8 queue=default/default
limit-at=0/0 max-limit=0/0 total-queue=default
1 name="Limit-Local"
target-addresses= dst-address=
interface=Local parent=none priority=8 queue=default/default
limit-at=0/0 max-limit=65536/131072 total-queue=default
[admin@MikroTik] queue simple>
Queue Tree Example With Masquerading
In the
previous example we dedicated 128Kib/s download and 64Kib/s upload traffic for
the local network. In this example we will guarantee 256Kib/s download
(128Kib/s for the server, 64Kib/s for the Workstation and also 64Kib/s for the Laptop)
and 128Kib/s for upload (64/32/32Kib/s, respectivelly) for local network
devices. Additionally, if there is spare bandwidth, share it among users
equally. For example, if we turn off the laptop, share its 64Kib/s download and
32Kib/s upload to the Server and Workstation.
When using
masquerading, you have to mark the outgoing connection with new-connection-mark
and take the mark-connection action. When it is done, you can mark all
packets which belong to this connection with the new-packet-mark and use
the mark-packet action.
- At first, mark the Server's
download and upload traffic. With the first rule we will mark the outgoing
connection and with the second one, all packets, which belong to this
2. [admin@MikroTik]
ip firewall mangle> add src-address= \
3. \...
action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=server-con chain=prerouting
4. [admin@MikroTik]
ip firewall mangle> add connection-mark=server-con \
5. \...
action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=server chain=prerouting
6. [admin@MikroTik]
ip firewall mangle> print
7. Flags: X -
disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
8. 0
chain=prerouting src-address= action=mark-connection
9. new-connection-mark=server-con
11. 1 chain=prerouting connection-mark=server-con
12. new-packet-mark=server
[admin@MikroTik] ip firewall mangle>
- The same for Laptop and
ip firewall mangle> add src-address= \
action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=lap_works-con chain=prerouting
ip firewall mangle> add src-address= \
action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=lap_works-con chain=prerouting
ip firewall mangle> add connection-mark=lap_works-con \
action=mark-packet new-packet-mark=lap_work chain=prerouting
ip firewall mangle> print
21.Flags: X -
disabled, I - invalid, D - dynamic
22. 0 chain=prerouting src-address=
23. new-connection-mark=server-con
25. 1 chain=prerouting connection-mark=server-con
26. new-packet-mark=server
28. 2 chain=prerouting src-address=
29. new-connection-mark=lap_works-con
31. 3 chain=prerouting src-address=
32. new-connection-mark=lap_works-con
34. 4 chain=prerouting
connection-mark=lap_works-con action=mark-packet
35. new-packet-mark=lap_work
[admin@MikroTik] ip firewall mangle>
As you can see, we marked connections that belong for
Laptop and Workstation with the same flow.
- In /queue tree add rules
that will limit Server's download and upload:
queue tree> add name=Server-Download parent=Local \
limit-at=131072 packet-mark=server max-limit=262144
queue tree> add name=Server-Upload parent=Public \
limit-at=65536 packet-mark=server max-limit=131072
queue tree> print
42.Flags: X -
disabled, I - invalid
43. 0 name="Server-Download"
parent=Local packet-mark=server limit-at=131072
44. queue=default priority=8 max-limit=262144
45. burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s
47. 1 name="Server-Upload" parent=Public
packet-mark=server limit-at=65536
48. queue=default priority=8 max-limit=131072
49. burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s
[admin@MikroTik] queue tree>
And similar config for Laptop and Workstation:
[admin@MikroTik] queue tree> add
name=Laptop-Wkst-Down parent=Local \
\... packet-mark=lap_work limit-at=65535
[admin@MikroTik] queue tree> add
name=Laptop-Wkst-Up parent=Public \
\... packet-mark=lap_work limit-at=32768
[admin@MikroTik] queue tree> print
Flags: X - disabled, I - invalid
0 name="Server-Download"
parent=Local packet-mark=server limit-at=131072
queue=default priority=8 max-limit=262144 burst-limit=0
burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s
1 name="Server-Upload" parent=Public
packet-mark=server limit-at=65536
queue=default priority=8 max-limit=131072 burst-limit=0
burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s
2 name="Laptop-Wkst-Down"
parent=Local packet-mark=lap_work limit-at=65535
queue=default priority=8 max-limit=262144 burst-limit=0
burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s
3 name="Laptop-Wkst-Up"
parent=Public packet-mark=lap_work limit-at=32768
queue=default priority=8 max-limit=131072
burst-threshold=0 burst-time=0s
[admin@MikroTik] queue tree>
Equal bandwidth sharing among users
This example
shows how to equally share 10Mibps download and 2Mbps upload among active users
in the network If Host A is downloading 2 Mbps, Host
B gets 8 Mbps and vice versa. There might be situations when both hosts
want to use maximum bandwidth (10 Mbps), then they will receive 5 Mbps each,
the same goes for upload. This setup is also valid for more than 2 users.
At first,
mark all traffic, coming from local network with a mark users:
/ip firewall mangle add chain=forward
src-address= \
action=mark-connection new-connection-mark=users-con
/ip firewall mangle add connection-mark=users-con
action=mark-packet \
new-packet-mark=users chain=forward
Now we will
add 2 new PCQ types. The first, called pcq-download will group all
traffic by destination address. As we will attach this queue type to the Local
interface, it will create a dynamic queue for each destination address (user)
which is downloading to the network The second type,
called pcq-upload will group the traffic by source address. We will
attach this queue to the Public interface so it will make one dynamic
queue for each user who is uploading to Internet from the local network
/queue type add name=pcq-download kind=pcq
/queue type add name=pcq-upload kind=pcq
make a queue tree for download traffic:
/queue tree add name=Download parent=Local
/queue tree add parent=Download queue=pcq-download
And for
upload traffic:
/queue tree add name=Upload parent=Public
/queue tree add parent=Upload queue=pcq-upload
Note! If your ISP cannot guarantee you a
fixed amount of traffic, you can use just one queue for upload and one for
download, attached directly to the interface:
/queue tree add parent=Local queue=pcq-download
/queue tree add parent=Public queue=pcq-upload